Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Foo Fighters - 3rd May 2008

Amazing. Best gig I have ever been too. The Foo Fighters came to town on the world tour for their new album Echos, Silence, Patient, Grace. After missing out on tickets a quick scout of eBay got me some general admission tickets for the saturday night.

To say I was excited was an understatement. And a little bit of research found us the best place to stand. Off we went to the Acer Arena in Sydney Olympic Park.

It was awesome. It absolutely rocked. Kicking off with Let It Die and going straight into The Pretender. Amazing. It was a mix of old school with new school. It was crazy to think that some of the songs they played like Alone + Easy Target and Big Me are 13 years old!!! Some of the crowd were young, very young when these songs came out. Not sure whether to feel amazed or gutted at the realisation of how old I am! Anyway, after a rockin start it was brought back many levels to an acoustic set on the secondary stage. Thats where we were. It was amazing. And finished off with, in my opinion, the best song ever written. Everlong rocked. Totally rocked. But with Dave Grohl saying 'I'm not done yet!' you know its gonna be big! Monkey Wrench and All My Life followed before the break. Epic!!!

After a comedy interlude with a video of Dave and Taylor 'discussing' how many encore songs would be performed, back they came. And it rocked. Finishing on the Best Of You it was just amazing. The highlights? Well all of it. But the stand outs were Everlong, with Dave doing a solo effort until the last verse, Taylors drum solo on Stacked Actors, it was simply insane, and then there was the old school Alone + Easy Target, but the highlight I think was Hey! Jonny Park in the encore. Never expected that. Amazing!

Best gig i have ever been to.

The Foo Fighters rock!!! Fact!

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